Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Britt" coffee tour

I had no idea how complicated it is to process good coffee. The work is done by hand, not machine - each bean is picked only when it is ripe. But that is just the first part of a long process of separating the different layers of the bean to finally arrive at the 'coffee bean,' drying takes several days in the sun, and finally roasting them in a special oven for their light, medium and dark flavors. It was a wonderful experience as well as an education. The tour included a buffet lunch that was delicious with fresh tropical fruits and, of course the best coffee!

I am leaving now to visit a market.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3rd week

I can't believe that I have started my third week. I have had beautiful weather with lots of sun, and of course, a little rain in the afternoon and during the night. This is a tropical climate. I wear a light jacket if i go out in the evening. Coming from Chicago it's really funny to hear someone refer to this weather as "winter." I visited the National Museum and went back with some friends to hear a jazz concert. It was wonderful! I'm going to a coffee plantation on Friday so I'll tell you about that over the weekend.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Volcano Poas & Waterfall Park

Hola a todos,

!Que aventura! I was so lucky to be able to see the actual crater. As I was taking pictures, I watched a cloud move over the mountain top completely covering the crater. After leaving Volcan Poas the bus took us to Waterfall Park to see Costa Rican "floras y faunas" (flowers and animals). I cannot express in words the natural beauty that is here.

I am working hard in my literature class, however it is very interesting. My vocabulary is increasing everyday, as well as my confidence. I have a presentation next Tuesday on a short story by Jorge Borges. I am fortunate to have such a wonderful professor. My second class is on the culture and civilization in Latin America. I am not only leaving class daily with information, but also with teaching techniques. My professor is an advocate for student-centered classes.

I cannot say enough good things about this program that MLSA provides for students studying abroad. I am very privileged and thankful to be here.


Friday, May 27, 2011

He llegado

No puedo creer que estoy en Costa Rica. Llegue sin problemas. Por la maƱana hacia sol y por la tarde llovia por tres horas con vientos fuertes. Acabo de regresar de la universidad donde tuve orientacion. Todos los profesores y estudiantes son amables. Pienso acostarme temprana porque manana tengo que estar a la universidad a las ocho para hacer turismo de todos. Todos profesores y los estudiantes van a comer juntos.

Estoy emocionante.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've booked my flight

I am so excited.   Tonight, I really believe that I am going to Costa Rica.  I have just booked my flight, printed out the confirmation, and my calendar is marked!  I will arrive in San Jose on May 26!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I can't believe it!!!  But, it's true that I am one of the scholarship winners to Costa Rica.  The summer of 2011 is going to be exciting and memorable.  My colleagues at Marist, friends and family are thrilled for me.  I am so grateful to everyone at the National Spanish Exam Teacher Study Abroad Scholarship Program and look forward to meeting everyone.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cathy Chambers in her classroom

I teach at Marist High School, Chicago, IL.
During the academic year 2010-2011, 
I have 3 sections of Spanish 1 Academic and 
2 sections of Spanish 3. 
This year I have a total of 101 students.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Anticipating my study abroad

I have applied for a scholarship to Costa Rica and would appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to enhance my Spanish-speaking ability.  It will be a chance of a lifetime!  I will absorb all the culture and life experiences that come my way in my host country.